Friday, January 11, 2008


Frozen Lemonade - one of my mom's favorites!


All of my Todays said...

We don't get that over here but we do get lemonade ice lollies. So you eat that with a spoon?

Aubrey Harns said...

We do eat them with a spoon. And usually they're sold at Theme Parks (Sea World, Disneyland, etc.) They're not really a household treat.

Jenn Alvarez said...

Okay, I'm ready for a trip to Sea World now...oh, maybe I'll get one when I go to Disneyland next month! Looks so yummy right now!

Sue said...

Hey I am coming to New York at the end of March . . . first trip to the US . . . I hope i can find this. I love lemon sorbet and lemon mousse so this makes my taste buds water :-)

Great take Aubrey :-)


Louise Galt said...

Mmmmmmm yummy that looks so good right now, great photo.

Ginny said...

OH that is so me. Love Ya, Mom

maz said...

Good to catch up with your catch ups Aubrey, some great shots. My tongue is tingling at the sight of that lemon cup- yum.

Kerry said...

That pot looks so pretty! Lovely colours in your cold shot :)


Unknown said...

Great shot for cold and I love those fibres you have!

pokettiger said...

I have these in the freezer here at work. Yummy stuff!