Thursday, February 7, 2008


My silly dog Rosco - he's not a sloth, but he was resting and being lazy after a long day of running.


etteY said...

aww cute doggy :)

Anonymous said...

Great sloth. Oh Aubs would LOVE to meet you in Johannesburg I do not know anything abou the show but will try to find out and arrange to be there! Woo Hoo that would be so cool!!!
Love Di

Diane Rooney said...

What a lovely photo! Really nice shot.

Louise said...

lovely photo... I don't know about sloth like, but he doesn't look to happy about having the camera in his face.... LOL!!!

Bambi said...

cute shot!

Marina said...

Arr what a lovely photo, he looks like he wants to just sleep, our dog is like that when she been out for a long walk. :~)

maz said...

Gorgeous dog! They deserve to be slothful with all the energy they expend don't they?!

Ginny said...

Silly Roscoe. I love the way his lip hangs over on the one side. Mom

Jenn Alvarez said...

Cute picture of Roscoe Aub!

Zoe said...

what a lovely looking dog (and photo obviously!) x

Anonymous said...

For a minute there I thought that was my Bailey dog looking at me. Aren't most dog sloth-like by nature? My Rottweiler was but not my lab, while now that she is older. My way! I see your point.