Monday, November 5, 2007


The word for today is "Sad" and we were supposed to capture this feeling without using a human to express it. This is my side yard, and blown down fence, the winds really tore things up around our place. It looks sad - and when I look at it I feel sad. We'll hopefully be getting things back in order this week. *Feel free to click on the photo to enlarge the details.


Ginny said...

Oh Aub, I love the black & white to help with the sad effect. Good job as usual honey. Mom

Unknown said...

Lovely shot.

The Cook said...

This is a fabulous shot and I love the black and white. Hope things are soon back to normal for you and your family. x

Jenn Alvarez said...

Wow! Great photo Aub! Love the black & white!

Sue said...

What a scary shot. So pleased that this was all that happened yet so sorry it had to happen at all.

Nice to see you again Aubrey

Bye for now . . . Sue

Bambi said...

oh i hope you get that fixed soon. great B&W

Unknown said...

Such a powerful shot, youve done a great job with it.