Saturday, January 12, 2008

SPS (Self-Portrait Saturday)

Ok, so today should be titled "Silly Portrait Saturday". I kept getting weird blue coloring when I was in the shadows, so I thought I'd step out into the sunshine for my picture. Then when I did the light was soooo harsh that I thought - oh, I put my hand up to shade my face and this is what I got. Classic silly me - I often say silly stuff too and only realize it when it's too late! Anyhow, I figured this was as real a picture of me as you'd ever get. ALSO - I'M SUPER EXCITED - TODAY IS MY 150TH POST!


Louise Galt said...

great photo of you, love your ring its so pretty in the sunlight.

Jenga said...

Happy 150 :D

All of my Todays said...

Congratulations on your 150th post and I love the shot of you it's so natural. x

Andrew said...

I really like that photo, Aubrey - nice to have you about the place again!

Anonymous said...

Fab photo Aubrey nice to see you again :D

Unknown said...

Wooo, well done on 150 posts! Pic made me smile x

Anonymous said...

What a great shot! Sorry it took me so long to get here.

Jenn Alvarez said...

Yep! That's you! :-)